
Archive for November, 2009

Yes, the meal is delish, the family time is fun (really!  we’re a fun crew and have a good time!), but what I might look forward to most about Thanksgiving is the left-overs.  Just as a good Boeuf Bourguinon or lasagna tastes better the second day, so, too, does turkey, stuffing, gravy and side dishes.  (And a sliver of pie, too, though honestly, pie generally suffers from some kind of culinary hang-over on day two.) 

For years, I have surreptitiously stolen a stockpile of my sister-in-law’s disposable plastic food storage containers.  But recently, through the magic of Twitter, I got to be a product tester for OXO’s new line of TOP food storage containers.  And I gotta say – I’m a little bit obsessed with them.  Why? Let me explain:

1) Their sizes inspire storage.  Look how cute my cookies look in the little one!  And one of them is a perfect fit for four corn muffins from my chili binge last weekend. There’ s even a big one that would fit at least nine cupcakes.

These things are so handy!

2) The have a great seal on them – I’ve sloshed soup to work and when the ol’ tote bag took a header in the front seat of the car, I did not swerve around in a panicked manner, cussing my clumsy ways – because the container, which landed on its side, was just fine!

3) They look cool and make your left-overs look cool, too!  Seriously – even when I wasn’t really in the mood for more mushroom-leek gratin (man, that recipe made a lot), it just looked more appealing in this nice container and I thought, “Hell, yeah, that stuff was good – I’ll have some more.”  Call me shallow, but that’s my story.

Gratin was still glamorous in this OXO container

So – this Thanksgiving, I’m bringing them with  me – because my family is actually planning on over-cooking so that we all get left-overs and I can end my criminal streak of grand-theft butter tub from my sister-in-law.

Happy Cooking and Happy Left-overing!

Oh – if you want to see them all, they are at Bed, Bath & Beyond and you also can see them all at http://www.oxo.com/oxoHome.jsp.


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